X:Summer Storm Part Two in the X:Lemonade series Written by Okami Arashi **************************************************************************** Author's note- So,how did you like the first story? This second part contains no hentai :( Heh Heh but it is a continuation of the story. Later parts will have more ecchi-stuff for all you lemon-fans out there, but I just couldnt find a place for it here. Once this whole mess gets taken care of (read on to see what I'm talking about) there'll be another lemon-scene. Probably in Part 3, Damn I'm rambling. Just read and enjoy!!!! ____________________________________________________________________________ Summer Storm Alas!The Moonlight dims As clouds roll across the sky But even yet I can see The starlight in your eyes The falling rain is like your touch The distant thunder is your kiss And now I know I'll always yearn For summer nights like this. A storm is coming. ~written by Jamie Pellerin (ME!!) ____________________________________________________________________________ "To end a life withoug touching anyone, without conveying your feelings with another, there may be no difference in living and dying." ~Kaede X:10 ____________________________________________________________________________ Kishuu Arashi wiped away the sweat from her forehead and sighed. It was unbearably hot today, and the humidity had not helped in the slightest. Even now as the sun was setting,the heat didn't let up at all.She looked over the rim of her soda can at Sorata, who grinning broadly at her. "What?"she asked,wiping her chin. "Nothing." She rolled her eyes at him and went back to thinking about the heat. "I wish it would rain."she mumbled,looking towards the cloudless sky.It hadn't rained for almost two weeks.It would be nice for a thunderstorm to blow through the city.Maybe it would cool things off a little. Sora nodded,agreeing with her."Yeah well anyways,there's not much we can do about it.So what do you want to do tonight?" Arashi shrugged."I don't know.Go someplace where we can cool off." "The beach?"he suggested. She was just about to answer when Nekoi came bounding up to the table,dragging Saiki along with her. "Good Evening!!"she called,plopping down in an empty seat beside them. Saiki just stood,unable to find an empty seat and looking very out of place. "The heats terrible isn't it?"she exclaimed."And these fukus aren't very good at keeping one cool.You must know what I'm talking about Arashi-san.And how about you Sorata-san?How are you doing?" She smiled jubilantly at them,drinking soda from a straw.Saiki just shook his head.Sora leaned back smiling at Arashi."Yes the heat's been terrible.I'm sure Arashi knows what you're talking about,and I've been fine." Nekoi smiled."What are your plans for tonight?" "Actually we're going to the beach to cool off." "Wow!!What a great idea!We should go too huh Saiki....I wonder if Kamui wants to go.After all,we should be keeping an eye on him.Speaking of Kamui where is he today?" "He's with Subaru."Arashi sighed. "Oh."Nekoi sounded a little disapointed."Well,we've got to get going.See ya later!Come on Saiki!" Saiki nodded goodbye as Nekoi dragged him off towards the subway station.Sora leaned back in his chair and laughed."Energetic isn't she?" "It appears so." "Now,do you want to go to the beach tonight?" Arashi tilted her head a little and smiled."With the others or alone?" "I think I would prefer alone,and you?" "I think I agree with you." ****** Kanoe turned towards Satsuki and sighed inwardly. Fuuma sat brooding as always,drumming his fingers rapidly on the arm of the chair.He'd been like this ever since he'd come back from fighting that Southern boy and the sword-girl in the High-school fuku.He stood suddenly and vanished.Mumbling only that he had something to do.Kanoe glared after him angrily. "He's so reckless."she clenched her fists. Satsuki turned towards Yuuto who had just wandered into the room. "Where's Fuuma?"he asked a little cautiously.It was no secret that the Dragons of Earth were wary of Fuuma,who had killed his own sister only to spite Kamui. "He just left."Satsuki replied. "Where to?" Satsuki shrugged and wandered off towards the chambers where the BEAST was kept.She smiled slightly and waved goodbye to Yuuto. "So,"Yuuto turned towards Kanoe."What do you think Fuuma's up too?" "He's got a grudge."she said,her back still turned towards him."He's got a battle to finish." "With who?" "That Southern boy." "Hey I had a fight to finish with him way before Fuuma did!" "Care to explain that to Fuuma?"Kanoe almost laughed. Yuuto blinked in surprise and then laughed."No,I suppose not." ****** Arashi lay back in the sand and sighed deeply but contentedly. She could hear the waves crash upon the shore a short way away from where she lay. The moonlight was bright,and the ocean breeze was cool and refreshing. Sorata lifted himself up from beside and leaned over her. "How do you feel?"he asked softly. "Much better."she smiled and closed her eyes. "Do my efforts win me a kiss?" "Oh I think we can do a little bit better than just a kiss."she replied while pulling him down towards her lips. Just before his lips reached her,something very large and wet,hit her in the center of her forehead. "What the hell?"she sat up,wiping it away with her hand.It was ice cream. She looked at Sorata in confusion,who was looking behind her and smiling a somewhat forced smile.Nekoi stood behind them,nibbling on an ice cream cone and holding Saiki by the arm. "Good Evening!"she smiled."I hope I'm not interrupting anything.I liked your idea and decided to follow suit." "Don't worry."Arashi smiled a little at Nekoi's cluelessness."You didn't interrupt a thing." Saiki on the other hand looked very embarrassed, and stood off to the side a little with Inuki.Nekoi plopped into the sand beside them and stared out into the ocean. "It's beautiful isn't it?" "Mmm-Hmm."Sorata agreed,although he wasn't looking at the ocean. Arashi stifled a laugh and turned towards the water.Black clouds dotted the horizon.A storm was coming thankfully.Maybe it would help with the heat.A chill breeze swept over her,and for a moment, just a moment a dark shadow passed over her heart.Sora noticed the change in her expression. "What's wrong?"he whispered. "I don't know."she replied,lowering her voice."Something's wrong." She closed her eyes and tried to get a feel of the air around.Something wasn't right.There was a displacement in the area.A feeling of evil energy. She'd felt it before,and it was very close by. "Dragon of Earth."she whispered. Beside Nekoi,Inuki suddenly growled lowly,flattening his ears back and staring at Sora. "Uh...Yuzuriha-chan....what's with your dog?" Sora stood up slowly,not taking his eyes off Inuki.Arashi grabbed his arm and yanked him to her.Inuki paid no heed,but kept bristling at the same direction. "It's not you."Arashi whispered.She was just about to release the sword of Ise,when something wet hit her hand.She looked down in surprise and noticed a small blat of dark goo on the back of her hand.She lifted it and showed it to Sora. "What is that?" Arashi never got the chance to answer.The small spot suddenly exploded into a tidal wave of immense proportions,swallowing both her and Sorata in an instant and then vanishing. "Arashi-san!Sorata-san!!"Nekoi screamed into the empty air. ****** Subaru and Kamui stood before Hinoto thanking her for her time,when Hinoto's eyes suddenly went wide with fear and a piercing scream ripped through the senses of everyone in the room.Sohi and Hien were immediately at the Princess's side. "Princess!"they cried in unison."What is wrong?" "Leave them alone!"she cried."Stop him Kanoe!Stop him!" Kamui rushed forward and took Hinoto by the shoulders,impatiently shoving Sohi and Hien out of the way. "It's Fuuma isn't it?"he asked desperately. Hinoto nodded,her eyes spilling over with tears. "He's after them.He wants to finish the battle,but he's going to torture them first." "Them?"Subaru shook his head."Who?" Kamui leaned back,his thoughts racing back to the other day. "Arashi and Sorata."he mumbled. "He's used Kanoe to pull them into an illusion.Whatever happens to them in there......if they die,they will die in real life."Hinoto closed her eyes. Kamui turned towards Subaru. "We can't let them do this anymore. If anything happens to either of them, it will effect the rest of us. If we have any chance of regaining Fuuma, and saving the Earth, we have to stop this." Hinoto looked up anxiously. "You know what you will do?" "What we must do."Kamui added. Hinoto nodded grimly and then held up both her hands, one to Subaru and one to Kamui. Subaru looked quickly at Kamui, re-affirming the determination was equal to his. "What we must do." he echoed. Kamui nodded and then took Hinoto's hand into his own. Blackness.......... ****** Arashi couldn't breathe,it was as if all the air had been forced from her lungs.Rather like if the wind was knocked out of them.She reached around, feeling for Sora.She knew he was here with her,she had seen the look on his face when the wave of blackness had enveloped them both,blacking out the moonlight,not to mention everything else.She looked down when her feet touched something solid,unaware that she had been floating.Or was it falling?The air rushed back into her lungs,she let out a startled gasp. "Where?"she murmured. As if in answer a room suddenly sprang into life.She looked around in confusion.Her mind telling her to get ready.Something was coming.She surveyed the room carefully,looking for the smallest details.Dozens of candles sent flickering shadows against the walls.A huge four-poster bed,complete with canopy sat in the center of the room.White curtains swayed in the breeze coming in from the open windows,along with the smell and sounds of the ocean. "Where is this?"she said aloud. "Someplace I've always wanted to take you." She whirled around in surprise,wondering why she hadn't felt this person approach.Sora leaned in the door,resting his head against the frame. "Sorata?"she furrowed her eyebrows."What are you talking about?" He stepped into the room,walking up to her and taking her chin into his hand. "This room.Don't you like it?" "It's lovely...but...."she paused,something was very wrong.She pulled away from him and backed away slightly. "What's wrong?"he asked,his eyes hardening slightly."You don't like it do you?" She backed up as he stepped menacingly towards her,grabbing her wrist so she couldn't get away. "You're hurting me."she said as she tried to wrench herself free,but he only tightened his grip. "Am I?"he smiled coldly. Arashi clenched her fist,then reached around and smacked him across the face. The room suddenly dissolved,Arashi turned and watched it fade into darkness. But when she turned around,Sora was gone and Fuuma was holding her tightly by the wrist. "Good evening Ms.Kishuu.I'm so surprised you fell for that.I pegged you for a smarter young girl." "Yes.And I pegged you for a cowardly bastard.Seems like I was right." "Such harsh words."Fuuma smiled,feigning pain."Now then.Shall we wait,or shall we go-" He was cut short when a blast of electricity slammed into him from behind. "Let her go."Sorata said angrily from behind them. Fuuma smiled cruelly at Arashi then whipped around, throwing her in front of him as a shield. The last blast of Sora's energy slammed straight into her chest. "Damn!"Sora yelled then glared at Fuuma who only smiled and shrugged. Arashi grabbed her chest in pain and fell to her knees, Fuuma still clenching her wrist. "You should watch your aim more carefully." Fuuma offered. Arashi coughed from her postion, strugging to stand. "It's okay."she smiled weakly at Sora."I know you would never...." Sora smiled slightly back at her, trying to mask his worried expression. Fuuma smiled. "Unfortunately, I cannot play for very long, and there is someone else who'd like a hand at it. I'm sure he'd much rather be testing Kamui, but time only permits......" his voice tralied off as he vanished. Sora ran to Arashi and helped her off the ground. "I didn't mean to hit you! I didn't think he'd throw you in the line of fire!" She waved it off and leaned on his arm. "I think we've got bigger things to worry about. Who are we going to face?" "There's only one other choice. The Sakurazukamori." "But why would they waste their time on just us?" "The Dragons of Earth want to destroy humanity right? And we're trying to save humanity. Maybe they figure if they can create friction in our team, they can somehow split us up. It will create an advantage. No matter what, we cannot loose control of the situation. Everything may depend on what we do and say in the coming trials." Arashi stepped closer to him. "Will we survive?" Sora looked down at her, somewhat surprised, and then hugged her tightly. "We will." Arashi laughed quietly, but it was threaded with a choked sob. "Love will conquer all?" "It always does."